The Virtues and Fiqh of Ramadan

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Published on 02.02.2023
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This resource has been created by Mawlana Ebrahim Noor, Coventry UK.

Very soon we will be starting the blessed month of Ramaḍān. The most important month in the Islamic Calendar. It is a month where Muslims spend the day fasting and the nights in prayer. It is month where we have an opportunity to reconnect with our creator Allāh. Our whole year revolves around this blessed month.

As with all things in our Religion, it is obligatory upon us to learn the rulings behind the acts of worship which are carried out in this month. And if we understand the reasoning behind these actions, they will become so much more meaningful.

Furthermore, there are also so many special aspects of this month, therefore in order to truly appreciate all the various qualities of this month and the special acts within it, I have prepared this presentation. And this will Inshā’Allāh allow us to maximise the benefit we can derive from this special time.

The presentation has been split into 2 parts as there is a lot of information to cover. The first part will cover a lot of the background on this month and some of the basics. Part 2 will then go into more detail regarding the rulings behind fasting and also provide practical advices on what to eat, how to maximize the benefit from this month etc.

The topics we shall be going through are as follows:

• Importance of Time

• What is Ramaḍān

• Fasting in Ramaḍān

• Special Acts of Worship in Ramaḍān

• Advice while fasting

• NHS Food Advice during Ramaḍān

• How to make most of our time during this month

• Special Advice for children taking exams

• Ramaḍān Worship Timetable

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